Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Mission statement

I think the reason many of my older blogs never really went anywhere is they lacked focus, however surprisingly when I had the original pixeldiary up the hit count was quite high, I guess back then every man and his dog didn't have a blog and smaller blogs didn't get lost in the sea of commercialism and celebrity blogs.

At any rate this is my statement of intent for this new iteration of my blog and guidelines for my own posting, I've kept it down to 5 rules but I may change them later as the blog evolves or changes focus.

  1. Original content only (ideally): The only way to offer something of value is to create something new, rather than just regurgitate and reblog existing content.
  2. If it's not original, the comment needs to be: If I do end up reblogging something I will make sure my comments and insights are at least original or necessary, rather than just saying "here's something I found on the internet you've seen 1, 000, 000 times before.
  3. A picture is worth 1000 words: This has always been a focus of pixeldiary, in the days of text only blogging I always tried to have some kind of picture/design/illustration. I will try to add pictures but more specifically add my own rather than raid google images.
  4. Try to keep content interesting: I'm definitely guilty of just ranting on blogger. This time around I want to keep things interesting, relevant and worthwhile reading.
  5. Not sure about this right now, it's still in rough draft.

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